Sunday, June 11, 2006
Big Brother 7 All Stars Premiere July 6th

BIG BROTHER 7: All Stars! Premieres Thursday, July 6th, 8pm ET/PT
All 20 candidates will be present when Julie Chen announces the ALL-STARS HouseGuests on the season premiere, Thursday, July 6 at 8PM ET/PT. BIG BROTHER 7: ALL-STARS will follow the relationships and conflicts of players who live together in a house outfitted with dozens of cameras and microphones recording their every move 24 hours a day. One by one, the HouseGuests will vote each other out of the house. At the end of three months, the last remaining HouseGuest will receive the Grand Prize of $500,000. While living together in a confined space won't be anything new to the HouseGuests, choosing between any pre-existing relationships and building new alliances could be a challenge. As always, will be your destination for exciting new interactive features, along with all the hottest BIG BROTHER info, including the 24/7 live video feed, Revenge of the HouseGuests blog, episode synopses, HoH Snapshots and much more.