Thursday, August 31, 2006


Janelle's extra curricular activities

Want to see Janelle like you've never seen her before? CLICK HERE!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Erika you idiot

You sheep. You follower. You mindless twit who would let yourself be manipulated so easily. You pea brain. You're next.


CBS fixes BB7 for Janelle once again

Hey! Big surprise! Janelle won the POV and removed herself from the block!
Of course she did... it was a secret POV competition where nobody could actually verify the timings except CBS!

Her time: 1:00 even. FIXED BY CBS!

Yes, it's just another way to keep "T and A" on the show to keep us all interested.
The editing on the show was good, but hell it didn't even need to be perfect. They simply had to show her time was shorter. Internet feeds didn't help because all we saw there was the flame-out.

I for one and very disappointed.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Is it Janelle's time?

It would seem that Janelle is either gone soon, or is destined to win the whole thing. She seems to be putting on a good act so far and it's about time she started to fool Chilltown as much as they have been fooling her.

I guess James will take the fall this week. My hope is that he leaves in a mature fashion, unlike the last two departures. I wish they would show some footage from the sequestor house. I'm really curious as to what's going on in there so far.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Twists and Turns

With George nominating James and Erika, I kinda knew that things were going to be turned upside down. I get the definite feeling that the position of HOH is a little too much power for the chicken man. He was flip flopping in front of everyone in fact, and in doing so bringing emotions out into the open.

In the end, James won the POV and removed himself and George ended up becoming more of a Chilltown believer than anything else, and put up Howie. Now Howie is gone. I'm not bothered by Howie being gone either. He may as well have been a floater anyways. All he did was follow Janelle's instructions from day 1.

And what about that departure? Didn't Howie criticize Marcellas and his departure last week? Whose departure was more of a "spoiled sport" or "sour grapes" exit? Personally, I think Howie won that contest.

Him and Marcellas will have fun in sequestor! :-)

Thursday, August 17, 2006


The Great Chicken George

George Boswell, come on down! You're the next HOH on Big Brother All Stars!
Well deserved too I might say. It's just too bad that this is a double eviction week, and he didn't get more than about 10 seconds to make his nominations. In case you missed it, he nominations James and Erika. I'm not sure I understand his nominations quite yet either, but I don't think they will matter much.

My feeling is that Boogie will use his coup d'etat power to replace those two with at least Janelle, but then again one can never guess what Chilltown is thinking. He may not even care about the two nominations.

Did anyone else notice the lack of surprise when Julie Chen announced that it was going to be a double eviction week? I guess the houseguests figure a lot of this stuff out just as fast as we do. Sunday should be a good show!


Blowing the game wide open

Tonight should be a telling chain of events.
As we now know, Danielle has removed herself from the block, and Janelle (who was easily swayed into changing her mind) replaced her with Marcellas. Of course, Janelle thinks that Marcellas is a pawn, which he is not.

Once Marcellas is voted out tonight, oh oh oh oh! Janelle is going to be pissed off and will feel very alone in the house.

MESSAGE TO HOWIE!!! Stop being such a sheep and start doing your own thing!!! I find it funny how Janelle stated she didn't like Erika's game-play (despised was the word she used) yet Erika has much more game than Howie does. If there is one true "floater" in this game, it's you Howie. Step up and do something about it because you have less game than anyone in the house right now. "Spool of lies" indeed.

The answer to the coup d'etat is indeed "You reap what you sew". That should also prove to be an ace in the pocket for Chilltown.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Is Big Brother All Stars fixed?

Here are the results of the poll.

Well it would appear that I'm not the only one who thinks CBS might mess around with competitions to keep certain "desireables" in the house a little longer.


Erika loses her HOH due to CBS SCREW-UP! Is Big Brother rigged?

I do hope someone, anyone... from CBS is reading this.

YOU SCREWED UP! There is NO WAY Erika should be stripped of her HOH win and this just furthers what I wrote below about CBS purposely keeping Janelle in the house because America wants TITS and ASS on Big Brother.

Ahem... to bring others up to speed here.
CBS is saying there were "technical difficulties" with the first HOH competition that was conducted on the live show on Thursday evening where Erika won. Something about the buzzers and lights malfunctioning and therefore, they re-ran the HOH competition. Guess who won? Blondes = ratings! Janelle of course. I'm starting to think that BB7 is rigged.

Is Big Brother fixed to keep the "good looking" people in? Let us know by leaving your comments!

Friday, August 11, 2006


Kaysar gone... Erika new HoH

Well it was no big surprise to see Kaysar voted out this week. It's unfortunate that he had to be Janelle's replacement to go this week, but I suppose it makes for another interesting week, especially since Erika has won the Head of Household.

I can only assume Janelle will once again be nominated for eviction. Something tells me that CBS prefers having her on the show. Sexy blondes have a history of creating better ratings, so don't be surprised that IF she is nominated, CBS will brainstorm to organize a veto competition that is in Janelle's favour. (I believe the last one was just that).

Stay tuned for nominations.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Danielle's plan falls apart

The one person Danielle wanted out of the Big Brother house more than anyone else this week was Janelle. In true form, Janelle won the POV and thus confirmed our suspicians. Janelle is now free from the block, and during the veto ceremony, Danielle replaced her with Kaysar, who may end up being "reverse back-doored".

Sunday, August 06, 2006


The worst that could happen?

The worst may have happened for some.

Take a look at this picture from season 6, and try to guess what is rumored to have happened in today's veto competition.

It appears that Janelle has won a tough veto competition this week if my sources are correct. What will this mean for Danielle and James? Is Kaysar or Howie's fate sealed now? Discuss by clicking "comments" below!


Danielle's Nominations

As we all saw on the show this evening, Danielle nominated Janelle and James for eviction. James and Danielle are working together to ensure the departure of Janelle but it's a dangerous game they're playing.

Putting up James shows the other BB6 alliance members that Danielle doesn't care about James, when just the opposite is true. Of course, prior to the nominations, James exressed to Danielle how this could all backfire and he could be sent home packing, but in the end they both felt good about the plan, and comfortable about Janelle not winning the veto competition.

Stay tuned...

Friday, August 04, 2006


Caught in a web for HOH (results!)

Here is a summary of last night's HOH "Caught in a Web" competition, courtesy of

Will got the first egg (it was rotten).

The order people went out. Will, James, Mike, Kaysar, Marcellas, George, Howie, Erika, Danielle (the new HOH). James won the right to nullify an eviction vote, Mike won the $10k, Marcellas won the No Slop card.


Diane takes the fall

As expected, Diane has been voted out of the house, and by a wider margin that I had initially figured. Only Will voted to evict Erika, no doubt to stir things up and make people wonder who cast that single vote.

Was there more dirt between Janelle and Diane that we never saw on television? It seems to me that Janelle was hell-bent on getting rid of Diane, but I never saw a clear reason why? If you know anything post your comments please.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Now the game really starts!

I was kinda wondering when Big Brother All Stars was going to get into high gear and get more interesting. Well the time seems to be now.

I had a feeling that the BB6 alliance was going to crack. I mean you have several different minded people in there. Kaysar doesn't seem to know what he's doing this year. Howie is simply a clueless sheep, following the others. James has always been suspect of his alliance member's intentions, and Janelle has made it public that she is playing this game for herself first, and the alliance second.

Meanwhile, the so-called "floaters" are getting wise to what's happening in the house and they are finally starting to mobilize and unite. This is something that the BB6 alliance (or what's left of it) needs to worry about. Chilltown could care less. They're quite content to see that alliance crack up.

Who do you think will be sent packing? Click COMMENTS below to leave your message!

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