Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Danielle's plan falls apart

The one person Danielle wanted out of the Big Brother house more than anyone else this week was Janelle. In true form, Janelle won the POV and thus confirmed our suspicians. Janelle is now free from the block, and during the veto ceremony, Danielle replaced her with Kaysar, who may end up being "reverse back-doored".

Off the subject, but does anyone know what bar Boogie owns?
he used to own belly but sold it. now owns dolce and geisha house w/ashton kutcher
Boogie seems to be such a poser to me. Tacky even...

Hard to believe he has such cool friends in and around LA.
why would would you put kaysar up on the block. You should put one of those morons mike boggie. what kind of name is mike boggie. Putting kaysar will only cost world war 3 in the big brother house. James will sure leave the house..
I'm glad Danielle is doing such a great job on the show. She seems like a really good person in real life. I would like to see her win.
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