Friday, August 04, 2006


Caught in a web for HOH (results!)

Here is a summary of last night's HOH "Caught in a Web" competition, courtesy of

Will got the first egg (it was rotten).

The order people went out. Will, James, Mike, Kaysar, Marcellas, George, Howie, Erika, Danielle (the new HOH). James won the right to nullify an eviction vote, Mike won the $10k, Marcellas won the No Slop card.

That is superb! That Danielle won HOH. It's going to be interesting this up coming week. Finally the 4 BB6 have something to worry about!
I LOVE Danielle... YAYYY!!! She finally gets HOH. I can't wait to see the nominations!!!
But will she stab Erica in the back?
Good for Danielle
Good Job Danielle
Janelle BLEW IT!!!
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