Wednesday, August 30, 2006


CBS fixes BB7 for Janelle once again

Hey! Big surprise! Janelle won the POV and removed herself from the block!
Of course she did... it was a secret POV competition where nobody could actually verify the timings except CBS!

Her time: 1:00 even. FIXED BY CBS!

Yes, it's just another way to keep "T and A" on the show to keep us all interested.
The editing on the show was good, but hell it didn't even need to be perfect. They simply had to show her time was shorter. Internet feeds didn't help because all we saw there was the flame-out.

I for one and very disappointed.

I totally agree. I've been suspicious of this game being fixed for awhile now. It makes it a lot less fun to watch cuz you know that janelle is always gonna win. It's painful to watch.
Get a grip people. She is still in the game for two reasons - 1 she IS a good competitor and 2 because Chill Town keeps saving her. Who was she really competing against in the POV??? Chill Town threw it, George is a joke, Erika is an air head. That leaves Danielle. Janelle only beat her by 23 seconds which is totally feasible to me.
Get a grip people. She is still in the game for two reasons - 1 she IS a good competitor and 2 because Chill Town keeps saving her. Who was she really competing against in the POV??? Chill Town threw it, George is a joke, Erika is an air head. That leaves Danielle. Janelle only beat her by 23 seconds which is totally feasible to me.
Hmmm several "pro Janelle" comments. The network will love to read that.

I agree with the author that Janelle is being held up in this game and the most recent POV competition was the icing on the cake for me too. Just because there is no way at all to verify her win. We just have to trust CBS.

Unfortunately it's true that boobs and blonde hair will bring more viewers.
janelle is by far the best player in big brother history. enough with your lame conspiracy theories
If it were fixed, then the times that they were away from the feeds would be off. They weren't. If it were fixed you would have others in the house complaining. If it were fixed Janie would see the score and possible tell someone. If it were fixed CBS could be in a heap of trouble. Your theory makes no sense
Stunned!: Hot doctors bring viewers, too. I think just as many people would watch if Janelle was evicted.
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