Thursday, August 03, 2006


Now the game really starts!

I was kinda wondering when Big Brother All Stars was going to get into high gear and get more interesting. Well the time seems to be now.

I had a feeling that the BB6 alliance was going to crack. I mean you have several different minded people in there. Kaysar doesn't seem to know what he's doing this year. Howie is simply a clueless sheep, following the others. James has always been suspect of his alliance member's intentions, and Janelle has made it public that she is playing this game for herself first, and the alliance second.

Meanwhile, the so-called "floaters" are getting wise to what's happening in the house and they are finally starting to mobilize and unite. This is something that the BB6 alliance (or what's left of it) needs to worry about. Chilltown could care less. They're quite content to see that alliance crack up.

Who do you think will be sent packing? Click COMMENTS below to leave your message!

The floaters feel this is a sacrifice no matter who goes home this week. I think it's going to be Erika though.
definitely Diane... she's outta there!
Erika can't go yet! She's too hot!
Who really cares which one goes home...they are both offer nothing to the show.
Diane really need to go home.
I believe James is going to rally the troops to keep Diane in to go againt Janelles wishes for her to leave. The game is on!
I would like it to be Diane over Erika, but I think James will fight to keep her and then he'll join the ranks of the floaters!!!
Please keep those kinds of comments to yourself!

Expressing your disappointment about something or disagreeing with others is one thing, but if you are going to make digusting comments like that then have the guts to put your name to it "anonymous".
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