Thursday, July 27, 2006


Double evictions yet to come?

Are there 2 double eviction nights coming? Big Brother is scheduled to conclude on Tuesday, September 19th. So if Big Brother ends on September 21st, it would mean there are 8 regular eviction nights (Thursdays) left. That would also mean there are only 8 more evictions left and to reach a final two, 10 more houseguests need to be kicked out.

So the conclusion would be there will be two double evictions this summer on Big Brother 7 just like there where last year on Big Brother 6. There may also be only one double eviction week and one houseguest will be evicted the Tuesday before the Thursday finale.

There may also be a houseguest *returned* to the house, as Kaysar was last season, in that case there would have to be 2 double eviction nights, plus one last houseguest being evicted on the Tuesday evening before the Thursday finale.

Oh hell, CBS will do whatever they want... Just stay tuned. :)

I dont no about you guys but i think Ganelle is going to the end and winning it to. I think people in the big brother 7 all stars house are getting mad because bb6 won hoh 4 times in a row and ganelle won two HOH compotions. I dont think that she will put up marcellis because they are like best friends. Only howie has not won the HOH compition of the bb6, everyone vote for Ganelle to win!!!!!
Interesting but I don't think the game is going this way.
There is still PLENTY of time for someone other than a BB6 player to take control of this game and start dominating.
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