Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Erika you idiot

You sheep. You follower. You mindless twit who would let yourself be manipulated so easily. You pea brain. You're next.

I think Erika kinda knew that she needed to put Will up once Janelle came off the block, but everyone telling her to put danielle up (especially Boogie) made her think that was the best decision. I predict that Janelle will win HOH AGAIN, Erika and (probably) George will go up, and Erika will go home. She'll soon realize she made a HUGE mistake. She had a chance to make a big play to keep herself in the game but she blew it.
I couldn't agree with you more. Because she's 'emotional' does that mean her heart short circuits her brain activity? She should have seen right through Chill Town when they suggested Danielle. If it were only for 'decoy' purposes then Mike or Will should have went up. Didn't she see what happen to the last decoy, James? Does she really thing now she's going to the finals or even the final 3? Everyone hates Janelle and because of this, she is who they're talking when them. Is she that desperate for love and attention that she would sell-out a friend and only ally in the game. Obviously silicon destroys brain cells!
Erika is not a strong player and probably would not have made it to the finals anyway. She definitely could not beat Danielle. In fact the only people she could possibly beat are Boogie (I think people see him as riding Will's coat tails) and possibly chicken George (because he is not a competitor- like Will said he's not good at much). But she was stupid to burn her bridge with Danielle. If she was thinking staight she would have let someone else get rid of Danielle to save face - not too mention a vote! I really do want to see Will win though. He has played a heck of a game. Everything that happens in the house is orchastrated by Chill Town! I'll say it again...Team Chill Town!
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