Thursday, August 17, 2006


The Great Chicken George

George Boswell, come on down! You're the next HOH on Big Brother All Stars!
Well deserved too I might say. It's just too bad that this is a double eviction week, and he didn't get more than about 10 seconds to make his nominations. In case you missed it, he nominations James and Erika. I'm not sure I understand his nominations quite yet either, but I don't think they will matter much.

My feeling is that Boogie will use his coup d'etat power to replace those two with at least Janelle, but then again one can never guess what Chilltown is thinking. He may not even care about the two nominations.

Did anyone else notice the lack of surprise when Julie Chen announced that it was going to be a double eviction week? I guess the houseguests figure a lot of this stuff out just as fast as we do. Sunday should be a good show!

What was the final question for the HOH yesterday? I thought I heard Julie say how many hours and not minutes were the houseguests without hot water? Could this be another technical error or do I just need to clean out my ears....LOL.
She said minutes
I didn't see last nite's episode, but I gather that Marcellas was voted off...

There should be a tribute to the bitter gay man's departure...
I guess it was obvious that he was voted off and isn't being missed!
mike "boogy" sheet
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